Views: 6

Posted On: 30-November--0001

Khadya Suraksha Yojana

The Rashtriya Khadya Suraksha Yojana started on 02-10-2013 by the Food and Civil Supplies Department of Rajasthan. This scheme aim is to provide adequate quality food grains at reasonable prices to the people so that they can lead a dignified life. The Act provides for coverage of 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population to receive subsidized food grains under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) which covers about two-thirds of the population.


  1. Antyodaya families are provided with 35 kg of wheat per family.
  2. Other eligible beneficiaries receive 5 kg of wheat per unit per month.
  3. Ration card holders categorized under Antyodaya and Below Poverty Line (BPL) in the state are entitled to wheat at a subsidized rate of ?1 per kg.
  4. Other eligible families categorized as Priority Household receive food security at ?2 per kg per month.


  1. The applicant should be a native of Rajasthan.
  2. The applicant should be of Antyodaya/ BPL families/Annapurna.
  3. The applicant should have a ration card.
  4. ?

Application Process


  1. The applicant need to Downloads the document and get the application form from page no.

  2. Carefully read any instructions or guidelines provided.

  3. Collect all the information and documents.

    - Ration Card.

    - Aadhaar Card.

    - Bhamashah Card.

    - Cast Certificate

    - BPL Card (If applicable).

    - Affidavit (available in form page no. 6).

  4. Make a copy of the completed form for your records before submitting it. This will serve as a reference in case you need to refer back to the information provided.

  5. Submit the form to the concerned Appellate Officer (Sub Division/District Logistics Officer) .

  6. The Appellate Officer will thoroughly scrutinize the application. If complete and correct, the applicants name will be added to the food security list. However, if doubts arise regarding the presented documents, the officer will only proceed after clarification.

  7. The Appellate Officer will issue an appeal order with a computer-generated digitized signature, automatically updating the applicants name in the online food security list.

  8. The responsibility of the Appellate Officers is limited to verifying the completeness of the application and attached certificates. If any applicant is found to have provided false information to gain inclusion in the food security list, their name will be canceled, and legal action will be taken.



    Documents Required

    1. Ration Card.
    2. Aadhaar Card.
    3. Bhamashah Card.
    4. Cast Certificate
    5. BPL Card (If applicable).
    6. Affidavit (available in the document page no. 6).

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