Views: 6

Posted On: 30-November--0001

E.V.R. Maniammaiyar Ninaivu Marriage Assistance Scheme for Daughter’s of Poor Widows: Scheme-I

The E.V.R. Maniammaiyar Ninaivu Marriage Assistance Scheme for Daughters of Poor Widows: Scheme-I was launched by the Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department, Government of Tamil Nadu. The aim is to help poor widow mothers who face financial hardship in conducting their daughters marriage. The scheme provides financial assistance for the marriage of their daughters.


  1. Financial assistance of ?25,000/- given to the widow to meet the expenses incurred in the marriage of her daughter.
  2. 1 Sovereign (8gm) 22-carat gold coin for making Thirumangalyam (Mangalsutra).
Mode of Disbursal: Through Electronic Clearing Service.

NOTE: The benefit can be given to the bride in case of the death of the widowed mother.



  1. The applicant should be a Widow.
  2. The applicant should be the mother of a girl child.
  3. The annual income of the family should not exceed ?72,000/-.
  4. The age of the widows daughter should be above 18 years.
  5. The allowance is granted for the marriage of one daughter only.

Application Process

Online - via CSCs


  1. The applicant should gather copies of the necessary documents (self-attest if required) needed to apply for the concerned scheme.

  2. The applicant should visit the nearest Common Service Center (CSC) and complete the Biometric Verification Process.

  3. In the application form, fill in all the mandatory fields and upload copies of all the mandatory documents.

  4. Request a receipt or acknowledgement from the CSC. Ensure that the receipt contains essential details such as the date and time of submission, and a unique identification number (if applicable).

    NOTE: The applications are processed within 15 days from the date of receipt.

    Deadline for Application

    The application should be submitted 40 days before the marriage date. Applications received on or after the date of marriage will not be entertained.

    NOTE: In exceptional circumstances, the application can be submitted one day before the marriage date.

    Documents Required

    Death Certificate of husband (to be obtained from Corporation / Municipality)

    Widow Certificate (to be obtained from Tahsildar)

    Income Certificate (issued by the Tahsildar)

    Passport-size photograph of the Applicant.

    Age Certificate of the Bride.

    Marriage Invitation.

    Bills towards purchase of marriage articles for less than ?10,000/-

    NOTE: Beneficiaries getting a widow pension under the Social Security Pension Scheme dont need to provide a window certificate and income certificate.

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