Views: 15

Posted On: 30-November--0001

Accidental Benefit

The Accidental Benefit scheme by the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, Labour Department, West Bengal, is a welfare scheme for the registered workers of the board. Under this scheme, the Board shall provide financial assistance to a beneficiary in case of hospitalization for 5 or more days and become disabled due to an accident. A registered construction worker, who becomes permanently disabled, will be entitled to a monthly pension. Also in case of death of such pension holder, his/her spouse/nominee will be entitled to a monthly family pension.



  1. Hospitalization for 5 or more days: Up to a maximum amount of ?10,000/-.
  2. Disablement due to accident: Up to a maximum amount of ?50,00/-.
  3. Pension for permanent disablement: ?750/- Per Month.
  4. Family Pension for permanent disablement: ?375/- Per Month (in case of death of such pension holder, his/her spouse/ nominee will be entitled to family pension).


For Registration as a Building/ Construction Worker:
  1. The applicant should be a resident of West Bengal.
  2. The applicant should be a Building/ Construction Worker.
  3. The applicant should be between 18 and 60 years.
  4. The applicant should have engaged in building and construction work for at least 90 days in a given year.
For the Application of the Welfare Scheme:
  1. The applicant should be a registered member Under the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board of West Bengal.
  2. The member should have been hospitalized for 5 or more days or became disabled/permanently disabled due to an accident.

Application Process


Registration Process as a Building/ Construction Worker:

  1. To register as a beneficiary under the BOCW Welfare Board, an applicant worker should request Form-27 from the Assistant Labour Commissioners/ Beneficiary Registering Officers and should attach all the mandatory documents (self-attested, if required).

  2. Application shall be submitted to the Assistant Labour Commissioners/ Beneficiary Registering Officers.

    Application Process of the Welfare Scheme:

  3. A registered worker should request Form-XXXIV for the application from the Assistant Labour Commissioners/ Beneficiary Registering Officers and should attach all the mandatory documents (self-attested, if required).

  4. Application shall be submitted to the Assistant Labour Commissioners/ Beneficiary Registering Officers for this benefit.


    Labour Department

    Department of Labour, Government of West Bengal,

    12th Floor, N.S Building, Block-A,

    1, Kiran Shankar Roy Road,


    Helpline of Labour Department, Govt. of West Bengal (Shramik Sathi): 1800-103-0009


    1. Upon successful verification, the construction worker is registered and an identity card and passbook are issued to him/ her. ?20/- as the registration fee and ?30/- as yearly subscription is taken. The amounts taken are noted in the passbook and a receipt is issued.
    2. After one year, the beneficiarys subscription is renewed upon payment of a renewal fee of ?30/- and submission of an application in Form-27A.
    3. If not renewed the registration of the beneficiary is cancelled after the expiry of one year. Fresh application for renewal to be submitted to the ALC for consideration.

Documents Required

For Registration as a Building/ Construction Worker:
  1. Passport size photographs of the worker (Four copies).
  2. Attested copy of Proof of Age.
For the Application of the Welfare Scheme:
  1. Medical Certificate of the member.
  2. Dependent/ Heirship Certificate of the applicant.
  3. Any other document if required.

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